Living and Working Here

The Navy Yard is part of Charlestown, one of approximately 23 neighborhoods in the City of Boston. For a range of information from the city, link to neighborhood services. Also, learn about the Boston Development and Planning Agency (BPDA), a prominent property owner and regulator in the Navy Yard. (Note that the former title for the BPDA is the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA).
Demographics and Maps
Charlestown has a population of about 17,000 with approximately 3,000 living in the Navy Yard. Geographic data and maps for Charlestown & the Navy Yard are compiled and maintained by the BPDA.
Elected officials
Mayor Martin J. Walsh City Councillor Lydia Edwards State Senator Sal N. DiDomenico State Representative Daniel J. Ryan Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley
Government Agencies
Here is a list of agencies relevant to Charlestown and terms used to describe development.
Navy Yard Buildings
The Navy Yard today retains buildings that were built and used by the U.S. naval base; many buildings retain their original numerical names. Navy Yard Map by BRA, 2009.
Neighborhood Services Coordinator
Each neighbor has a liaison to represent the mayor and the city in local affairs. Neighborhood services For Charlestown it is Christopher Breen, tel. 617.635.3549, [email protected]
Nonemergency Services
To report city problems, call 311, or download this app: BOS:311. Each day the city receives hundreds of reports of graffiti, potholes, burnt out street lights, missed trash collection, and more over the phone, social media, and the 311 mobile app.
Resident Parking Stickers
Take a utility bill to City Hall, for your annual sticker. It allows you to park longer than the 2 hours allowed to nonresidents. The Navy Yard has both 2-hour parking spaces and meters.
Street Sweeping
Charlestown streets are swept twice a month on Thursdays between April and November. Check street signs for the applicable week.
Snow Emergencies
During declared snow emergencies, parking is prohibited on major arteries throughout the city. Discounted parking is available at lots and garages to vehicles with Boston resident parking stickers.
Tobin Bridge
Charlestown residents get reduced fare for the bridge.
Trash collection
Trash is collected by both the city and private operators. Check for the current city schedule.
The Navy Yard is part of Ward 2, Precinct 2, and voting takes place at the Harvard Kent School, 50 Bunker Hill Street.